As a major that falls in my university's college of Journalism and Mass Communication, one of the questions I get asked the most is "Who is Shelbie? How do we define her as a brand?" Now, I have a love/hate relationship with this question because I love thinking that everyone in the world has a specific image in mind for themselves and that they make sure that everything they do, from internships they accept to tweets they post, are specifically done to maintain that brand's image. But, where I have a problem is that I have no idea how the heck I market myself as a brand. I know that I'm famous for tweeting things that are funny at the time but I will probably regret later, spending way to much money on concert tickets, and spending more time dreaming up exotic vacation ideas than doing homework but what does that add up to equal? I'm in the process of figuring it out and while I do, please read on to get to know more about me.

(the pictures in order are from Budapest, Marseille, Prague, Paris, Rome, and Prague again)
I started this blog to reconnect to my love of writing. I am a notorious burn bright-fade quickly type personality, (I have about 20 soon to be New York Times bestsellers if I wrote more than 3 chapters before moving on to something else) which doesn't work well in a slow building environment like blogging but I love writing and writing for an audience that expects something seems like the best way to keep me on track. But, even more I hope that I can find more about myself and my likes/dislikes through writing this blog. Maybe eventually I can move on from this puddle phase I'm in and YOU can help me do it.
Well, that's all I can think of about myself for the moment, but if you have any other questions/suggestions I am available to reach via email at or twitter or instagram.
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